Regular Conference Session
Presentation 1: The Foundation for Process Improvement
Presentation 2: A Primer on Software Security - an Adjunct of Software Quality
Co-Presented by David Oddis and Sean Poris - College Board
Presentation 1 Session Abstract: Are you getting the most from your post deployment retrospectives? Do you have a process in place to analyze defects, identify the defect categories and common pitfalls and correlate the results to recommended corrective actions? Can you meaningfully and succinctly articulate your findings to senior management with data-driven, evidence-based actionable conclusions? Forced to get more done with less, organizations are increasingly finding themselves in need of an effective defect analysis process. Find out how to use a systematic defect analysis process to optimize your efforts and enable higher quality software development through an approach that promotes collaboration between the development and QA teams. Join David as he facilitates an open conversation and provides guidance and tips via a real world walk through of the strategy, analysis process, and recommendations from an in-depth cross-team defect analysis.
Presentation 2 Session Abstract:
Plain and simple, you cannot have quality software that is insecure. The question is, with tight budgets and time lines, how can you bring software security to the forefront and raise the assurance levels of your software. The answer is, with an integrated software security program. Join Sean to discuss crucial quality touch points in the software development lifecycle that will lower risk and raise the security posture of your software. On an enterprise level, we will discuss real world examples of how software security teams partner with quality assurance teams to maximize successful outcomes, via approaches that involve people, process, and technology.
Speaker BIO - David Oddis
David is College Boards Enterprise Platforms Software Quality Director and is responsible for a large portfolio of applications and databases. He currently concentrates on setting quality management strategy and providing oversight to test teams. David focuses on developing and refining processes and strategies to ensure they align with the business mission. He is a proven evangelist for SQA and enjoys presenting topics on Business Technology, Software Testing, Coaching, and Leadership. His passion is coaching and mentoring other testers to further the global quality practice.
Speaker BIO - Sean Poris
Sean is College Board's Senior Director of Software Security, responsible for security governance and oversight of College Board's custom software development efforts. Sean's team focuses on assessing the latent risk of the existing portfolio while working with development teams to build security in throughout the software development lifecycle. Sean's background includes successful large scale software development and systems integration initiatives with dozens of customers, ranging from small law firms to Fortune 100 companies.